Timmy Benedict Lao Uy
March 4, 2018
Treasures Within Reach Part 1 – What do you Have in Your Hand?
One can hardly tell a believer of Jesus from a non-believer by the way he identifies or looks for resources. The Lord is our Provider, but He sounds like an irresponsible one when we have frustrated tones of prayer offered to Him.
The Word of God makes clear that there is a distinction between His people and unbelievers. But when it comes in seeing and identifying resources one needs for a task or journey, that distinction become blurred. We have too many brethren who live in poverty while surrounded by riches; they are living in bondage in lack, all the while sitting on top of a mount of blessings! Such untapped and unappreciated wealth has caused many dreams to be unrealized and many goals unreached.
2 Kings 6:15-17 – “15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked. 16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 And Elisha prayed, “OPEN HIS EYES, LORD, SO THAT HE MAY SEE.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” (NIV)
Many of our brothers and sisters in Christ are so focused on their lack, failures, problems, and troubles that they miss the grace of God, the strength that is rightfully theirs, the favor they should enjoy, and the solution they so desperately require.
God worked for 6 days, and after each creation, He would say IT IS GOOD. How can God’s creation be good if it is INCOMPLETE? When God created the universe, ALL the SOLUTIONS and RESOURCES needed to sustain it and address all potential problems have been provided for and deposited in it.
Babies are born equipped with all the faculties need to survive life on earth. The fingers do not come after a few months; the ears do not grow out after a year. While some parts need to grow, to learn, and to develop, the baby is nevertheless, born complete! The baby has to be taught but its capacity to learn is already present. Such is the wisdom of the Creator.
When God places a DREAM or an AMBITION in us, He also deposits the CAPABILITY and OPPORTUNITY we need to achieve it. But the capability must be sharpened and the opportunity must be harnessed. Just like a seed, it has to be planted to unleash the life and potential in it. If God is the source of our VISION, then PROVISION is His concern. He will not send us on assignment empty-handed. Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He gave a VISION to His disciples – to make disciples in all the earth. He commissioned His disciples to go into all the world to preach the Good News, to heal the sick, to set the captives free, and to baptize people. But the commission was given only after He deputized them – giving them His authority, power and name. Not only that, He even instructed them to wait for the Holy Spirit to come and empower them before they go on their mission.
A COMMISSION is a joint venture between God and man. This is why it is called COMISSION or shared desire. He is tapping us to be His partners. He supplies what we need to implement His power and authority here on earth.
Jesus describes Himself as the Good Shepherd. He distinguished Himself from the bad shepherds. A good shepherd leads the sheep to green pastures and let them become comfortable enough to lie down beside still waters. A Good shepherd will defend the sheep from the attacks of wild beasts. He positions himself between the sheep and the threat to ensure the safety of the sheep even at his own risk. Does God that we worship and serve fit the profile of the Good Shepherd? Of course, He is! God is not only a good shepherd. The Lord is also our Father in Heaven.
God is a great shepherd and a great father in heaven. IGNORANCE has hurt people and deprived many from enjoying what is due them.
We call God as Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides; Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals; Jehovah Nissi, the God who secures our victory; El Shaddai, the All Sufficient One. Many problems could easily be avoided if we have developed the habit of seeking God first. We may be caught off-guard by calamities or crises but God is never surprised. He is never caught unready. No matter how chaotic our situation may be, we must remember God is still in control and He is our Father. It is sad to see people living life way below their privileged position simply because they don’t know what they are entitled to. Many are giving up on their sickness because they forgot that their Father in heaven is the Healer. Many struggle with lack and have accepted poverty because they do not know that their Father is the Provider.
Moses let go of what was in his hand, and it came alive! Many times, what we have can do more when it’s out of our hands than when we keep hold of it. We tend to take what we have in our hand for granted – the old, the familiar, the used, and the usual. Often, we prefer the glamor of tools we don’t have or hope to have over what we do have. Start with what you have in your hand. The reason why people do not get anywhere is they never want to start with what they have, from where they are.