Timmy Benedict Lao Uy
April 28, 2024
THE JOSHUA GENERATION – Part 7 Winning the Battles for Your Family
Joshua 24:15 – “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (NIV)
Joshua is giving the nation of Israel a choice, who do they want to serve? Who do they want to worship? Joshua is telling an important truth: We all worship something. And what we choose to worship will bear consequences. Do they want to worship the God of their ancestors who has faithfully provided? Or worship the false gods of other nations that can’t help or do anything for them?
Joshua cannot control what everyone else does, but he can control what happens in his own house. And he is determined that his house will serve the Lord. Obviously, Joshua can’t force his family to believe in God. He’s not in control of their feelings and desires. But as a father, he is in control of the actions his family takes. He can control the things that come into his house and what happens within its walls. Joshua understands the power of parents and what the parents can do to their children. So, Joshua ends this verse with his personal commitment. “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” In those words, we see four important foundations we need to build if we want our families to worship the Lord with us.
A Family that Honors God
As Joshua tells the story of the conquest of the Promised Land, he reminds them of what the Lord has done for them. He wants everyone to always remember that everything they have comes from God. This reminds us today as well: Everything that we have comes from God. Even though the Israelite army kept winning battles and chasing away enemies, Joshua knew it would be dangerous if they started thinking they were special because of it. He understood that if they took credit for their success, they might forget about God completely.
We should do the same with our families. It’s good to remember the good things God has done in the past and write them down. Remembering all the good things God has done helps us stay close to Him. Have you ever experienced God’s goodness? Has God blessed you? Write it down. Remember it often. Share it with your kids, grandkids, family, and friends. Pass it on, so that even after you’re gone, the next generations can keep telling the story of God’s faithfulness.
A Family that Fears God
Joshua 24:14a – “Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness.” When we think about the fear of the Lord, some people think it means being scared of Him. But it’s much more than that according to the Bible. The fear of the Lord means having such a deep respect for God that we want to please Him in all we do. How do we show this love and reverence to our families? It’s not so much about having a specific plan. It’s about creating an atmosphere. When parents truly respect God, their kids will learn to respect Him too. When they love God, their kids will naturally love Him too. When they sing worship songs, their kids will learn to worship. When they pray, their kids will quietly pray along with them.
Men have a big responsibility here also. We are talking to the fathers, husbands, grandpas, and uncles. This is also for the young men, high school and college students, and single men of all ages. It starts with you, no matter how old you are. For too long, we’ve left all the spirituality to the women while we focused on work. But that’s not what God intended. He wants both men and women to share this responsibility, but men need to step up first if they want God’s blessing.
A Family that Obeys God
Joshua 24:14 – “Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.” The word “serve” appears two times in just one verse. Joshua wants the people to freely decide to serve the Lord “with all faithfulness.” Every area of life must be surrendered to the Lordship of Christ. They could be things or thoughts, feelings, or desires that distract us from God and lead us away from what’s good.
Moses described the results of obedience or disobedience. Deuteronomy 6:14-15 – “14 Do not follow other gods, the gods of the peoples around you; 15 for the Lord your God, who is among you, is a jealous God and his anger will burn against you, and he will destroy you from the face of the land (NIV).”
This was God’s command to Israel: If they obeyed God and taught their children to obey, God would bless them. However, if they disobeyed, or if their future generations disobeyed, then God would not be pleased, and they would face the consequences. Did they follow through? Did they train the next generation to follow God? Sadly, the next generation turned away from God. They didn’t even know about the great things God had done for Israel. The parents failed. They failed God and they failed their children.
What do you want for your children? Most parents want them to succeed. But what does “success” mean? Many parents hope their kids will be smart and get a good education. They want them to go to a good school, get good grades, and have a well-paying job. They see that as success. But Jesus said, “Apart from Me, you can do nothing.” One day, our children will stand before God and will be called to give an account. Some might show off their degrees and awards. Others might talk about their nice cars and gadgets. Some might show how much money they have or how famous they are. Yes, they’re all good. But, if they didn’t have a relationship with Jesus, God would say, “Go away, I never knew you.” Obedience matters so much to God. Wanting our kids to do well in life isn’t wrong. However, it’s important to teach our kids to follow God’s command and guidance and acknowledge that their success comes from God.
A Family that Serves God
Joshua 24:15 – “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord (NIV).” In these words, we see what God wants us to do. We are to serve the Lord, and we are to do everything in our power to see that our family follows our example.
Here are the important reminders: First, each of us must personally decide to serve the Lord. I can’t decide for you, and you can’t decide for me. We need a generation of Joshuas who will make the choice for themselves. Second, parents have a big responsibility to set a good example in serving God. It’s hard to expect our children to follow Jesus if we don’t take our duties seriously. What will our children be like if parents set a good example for them?
Joshua set an example. He said: “But as for me.” Joshua was very bol dwhen he said this. Why? Because:
- This is a public statement. “But as for me.” He’s saying, “I don’t care what everyone else does. I’m going to follow God.” Even though he was the leader of Israel, he was ready to leave his own people because of his love for God. Eventually, we all have to make that decision. It doesn’t matter if you work in an office, you’re a student, or just dealing with friends, family, and neighbors. If you choose to follow Jesus, there will be a time when you have to say, “You can do what you want, and I’ll still be your friend, but I’m going to follow God.”
- This is a personal decision: “But as for me.” In the end, it boils down to this: You have to decide to follow God; it won’t happen by chance, and you can’t just get it from your parents. They can pass down their beliefs, but eventually, you have to choose for yourself.
- This is a proclamation. “But as for me and my household.” Joshua is talking as the leader of his family. He can speak for his wife, children, grandchildren, and even his servants. He’s saying, “As the head of this family, I say we will all follow God.” Every Christian father should make a similar promise about his own family that God gave him.
- This is a positive statement: “We will serve the Lord.” Joshua is saying: “I will serve the Lord and my family joins me in this.” How could someone be so sure about his family? Joshua could say this because he had taught them well for a long time. He knew they were also committed to the same God he worshiped. Friends, Don’t think you can live however you want and then at the end of your life expect God to save your family. Living that way and then praying at the end is assuming God will forgive everything.
1) How do you define “serving the Lord” in your life? Reflect on the ways you actively live out your faith and commitment to God.
2) How do you currently prioritize your family’s spiritual well-being amidst the challenges of daily life?
3) Reflect on the legacy you hope to leave for future generations of your family. How does this influence your actions and decisions today? Do they show obedience, worship, respect, and fear of God?