Timmy Benedict Lao Uy
December 10, 2023
Some preachers call Joseph the forgotten man of Christmas because he often gets overlooked in the Christmas story. His presence appears in every nativity scene we put out on display this time of the year. But, we forget the journey he took and the price he paid to carry out his role. His journey started with a dream and expectation most men have: to marry and have a family.
Matthew 1:18 This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. (NIV)
What our version calls “pledged to be married,” the older versions call “betrothed”, reflecting an ancient Jewish marriage custom. In those days, parents usually arranged marriages, with or without the children’s consent. The parents of both parties would meet and create a formal marriage contract. Once signed, the man and woman were legally “pledged” to each other. This betrothal period could last up to a year, ending in a public wedding ceremony.
The “pledge” is as sacred as marriage itself. During the year, the couple is considered husband and wife but don’t live together. In essence, being
“pledged” to each other is similar to being married, except living together had to wait until after the wedding ceremony. The idea behind the one-year waiting period was to test the commitment and faithfulness of the couple.
According to Deuteronomy 22:20-21, if a woman was found to be pregnant during the betrothal, that could only mean she had been unfaithful to her husband, in which case the Law commanded that she be stoned to death. Now, here is the problem. Mary turns up pregnant. Joseph only knows one thing for sure. He’s not the father. What words would describe a man at a time like this? Anger, confusion, embarrassment, shame.
Joseph faces a tough situation. As a devout Jew, he could legally break up with Mary because it seems like she has been unfaithful, and the law doesn’t allow him to marry her in such a situation. But what makes Joseph special is that Joseph loved Mary even though he thought she was unfaithful. His love protected her from shame. This is how verse 19 puts it: Matthew 1:19 “Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.” (NIV)
Have you ever been in a tough situation where you’re unsure about what to believe? Someone you trust and respect did something that seems wrong, and it’s easy to think negatively about their actions. However, you may wonder if there’s more to their side of the story. Maybe the person has hinted that there’s more to it. What’s the fair and right thing to do in this situation?
While Joseph was thinking of divorcing Mary, God intervened. One night, feeling troubled in bed, he had a dream where God spoke to him. Matthew 1:20 “But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.” (NIV) Just at the right time, God met his need. God told Joseph the thing he wanted to hear the most: “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.”
The angel said in Matthew 1:21 “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” The angel told just what was needed. The baby is from the Holy Spirit, not from a man. We don’t know exactly how Jesus was born without a human father; it’s a big mystery in the Christian faith. Even after talking about it for 2000 years, we still don’t know more than Joseph did. The angel did say something important about the baby: His name is Jesus, and it means “Savior.” He came to save people from their sins. And that’s the whole reason why Jesus was born.
Matthew 1:24-25 reveals Joseph’s finest qualities: Matthew 1: 24-25 – “24 When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. 25 But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.” Every step he takes testifies to his greatness. 1. He married Mary quickly, going against Jewish traditions, but he did it to protect her reputation. Even though she was pregnant and he wasn’t the father, he still chose to marry her. 2. He ensured that Mary remained a virgin until Jesus was born. No intimate thing happened between them. This protected the miraculous conception of Jesus by the Holy Spirit from being criticized by those who didn’t believe. 3. When he named the baby, he used a father’s right and officially accepted Jesus into his family as his own legal son.
In these days of confusion, Joseph is a wonderful model of What a godly man looks like: He is tough when he could have been weak. He is tender when he could have been harsh.
He is trusting when he could have doubted. To the men and husbands: Could we use those same words to describe our lives? Are we decisive, always choosing to do what is right even if it’s hard? Are we kind and caring towards our wives and children? Do we take time to make important decisions, or do we quickly make conclusions and say and do things we might regret later? Do we trust others even when we think we know a better way? Are we calm
There is one other line of proof about the kind of man Joseph was. When Jesus grew up, He chose one word above all others to describe what God is like: He called Him Father. Where did Jesus learn about fathers? From Joseph. The way your children respond to God depends largely on the kind of father you are. You teach them something about God every day just by how you live in front of them.
This is one thing we can learn from Joseph: God notices a person’s character, even if no one else does. Joseph is an ordinary man with an extraordinary character. Royal blood flowed in Joseph’s veins, but he chose to be a simple carpenter. He was probably successful in his trade, yet he remained humble. Jesus’ critics, for example, would later comment that he was just a “carpenter’s son”. Matthew 13:55 “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? (NIV) Joseph probably never imagined that God would give such an honor to an ordinary man like him. And just like today, you may consider yourself ordinary, but you never know what great things God may have in store for you.
God honored Joseph’s integrity by entrusting him with a great responsibility. It is not easy to entrust your children to someone else. Picture God looking down and picking a man to raise His own Son. Joseph earned God’s trust. Joseph could have acted gravely about Mary’s mistakes, but he chose to offer love and mercy, even when he thought he had been treated unfairly. Walking in obedience to God may result in humiliation and disgrace before men. But when we obey God, even in the face of adversity and public shame, He leads and guides us.
Imagine the first Christmas through the eyes of Joseph. From the time Joseph and Mary learned she was carrying the Son of God; they knew trials would be ahead. Because Mary conceived out of wedlock, their family would be hated and rejected by many for the remainder of their lives. They would carry this label forever. But God in His grace and mercy, and because of His “good plan,” cared and protected them.
God comforted them along the way by warning them and giving specific instructions so that they wouldn’t have to be afraid. Jesus was rejected for the same and for so many other reasons during his time on earth. Isaiah 53:3 “He was despised and rejected—a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care.” (NLT)
For Jesus to fulfill God’s plan in His life, others had to be a part of that plan. Joseph and Mary were part of that “good plan,” even though they endured rejection and hardship. Are you able to see God’s “good plan” in your life no matter the trials you are going through? If you have passed through difficult times, are you able to look back and see how God brought good out of it? If not, take time to seek God and ask Him to show you, and hear His voice, in order to find peace in your life.
1) God entirely redirected the course of Joseph’s life, and yet he reacted with grace and obedience. How difficult would it be for you to make big life changes like Joseph? Why?
2) God entrusted the care of his Son Jesus to a man who didn’t have many resources and was considered poor. What does this show about God’s view of wealth? Of parenting?
3) Joseph was a man of faith. What have you learned from Joseph’s life that has strengthened your faith?