Timmy Benedict Lao Uy
May 5, 2019
PRESENCE – Part 1 – Passion for God’s Presence
Many Christians live a life that seems to be MISSING the power of God. Even after spending a week in reading the word of God and praying, we may still feel like we don’t have the power to do God’s will in our lives. We will address the question why it seems we do not have God’s power in our lives.
God is not looking for people who only seek Him when they have needs. God is looking for people who are seeking Him for who He is.
STUDY (Exodus 33:7-11 ESV) ‘
The phrase Tent of Meeting is used in the Old Testament as the name of a place where God would meet with His people, Israel. Some versions of the Bible used the word Tabernacle instead of Tent of Meeting. The Tent of Meeting was a temporary dwelling place for the Ark of the Covenant and the other holy items that the Israelites were instructed to use in the worship of and sacrifice to God. The fact that Moses set up the tent of meeting outside of the camp signified that the people had broken fellowship with God at Mt. Sinai when they had made the golden calf (Exodus 32:3-4).
If we want to experience the presence of God, we have to be INTENTIONAL. If we want to experience the presence of God, we have to STEP OUT OF OUR COMFORT ZONE. When you come to church on a Sunday, you can’t experience the presence of God if you will not intentionally seek Him. Don’t attend the worship service with a critical mind. Don’t come to church not expecting God to visit you. Be expectant to experience God in every worship service that you go to. We have to ALLOT TIME to spend with God in prayer and Bible reading. Sometimes, we have time to do so many things but we don’t have time for God.
The reason why you’re not able to experience God’s presence on a Sunday is because you’re not worshipping Him from Monday to Saturday.
DON’T JUST OBSERVE (Exodus 33:8)
What’s the difference between Moses and other people of Israel? Moses would go to the mountain of God regularly so he could spend time with Him. On the other hand, the other people of Israel were satisfied to just listening to Moses with what God had to say to them. There was an instance where Moses was literally glowing because of the glory of God upon him as he spent time with God (Exodus 34:29-35). He didn’t even know that his face was shining.
Too much familiarity decreases the hunger of people for God. When we come to be entertained, when the workers come to entertain, then we are not after God’s presence. When we consider God’s power and presence as an ORDINARY thing, then we are taking Him for granted. A child of God is SPIRITUALLY SICK when he’s not hungry for God. It is unfortunate that a lot of Christians have been so used to LIVING WITHOUT LONGING for the presence of God. God is not looking for people who only seek Him when they have needs – healing, provisions, wisdom, business, school. God is looking for people who are seeking Him for who He is.
Many Christians have resolved not to attend the church anymore. There are several reasons why Christians don’t attend church service anymore. Others don’t come to church because they’re busy. Some don’t come to church because they’re satisfied in watching sermons on YouTube or listening sermons in Podcast. Others don’t come to church because there are a lot of hypocrites. What’s your reason for not coming to church every Sunday?
(Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV) .When one or more Christians choose to do their own thing and not fulfill their part of corporate worship, the Body of Christ becomes ANEMIC in the ability to publicly proclaim all the works of Christ. It should be our desire to stir up one another to go and worship the Lord in public worship. Christians are not their own. Everyone who has received Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord plays a KEY ROLE in the body of Christ.
People of Israel worshipped God whenever they see Moses enter the Tent of Meeting. Christian’s faith and worship are fueled whenever we’re studying God’s word and worshipping with true worshippers. Most Christians are more inclined to worship God and listen to the word of God when they are alongside others who have also come for the express purpose of worshipping and listening to the preaching. Here’s the practical illustration: Who among you would admit that you eat more whenever you are with someone who has great appetite? This the same spiritually. When we are around genuine worshippers of God, our level of worship also increases. Never underestimate the power of connection. So many of God’s purposes are fueled when a group of God’s redeemed people covenant together to gather in person with one another weekly.
Although the world is connected electronically like never before, nothing beats time together in person. As we share and laugh together, we can often sense – almost unconsciously – the other person’s emotions by watching their facial movements.
Those who love each other, whether family or friends, like to share with each other face to face. We see this face-to-face relationship between the Lord and Moses. Moses grew in confidence over the years of following God, and he continued to follow Him despite the people’s rebelliousness and idolatry.
Because of Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection, we no longer need someone like Moses to speak with God for us. Instead, just as Jesus offered to us His disciples, we can have friendship with God through Christ (John 15:15). We too can meet with Him, with the Lord speaking to us as one speaks to a friend.
God Wants You to See His Face. God wants His people to pursue Him. He longs for our intimacy. Jesus came to bring reconciliation between God and man, so that nothing would hinder us from being with Him. Know that we can see God’s face. How can you make this real in your life? How can you take this and let it transform your life? Consciously think about God’s presence. You need to stop several times a day and just get quiet. The Bible says, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10). Read and meditate God’s word over and over again. Have a quiet time with God where you look into His face. Tell yourself that God is present. Carry on a constant conversation with God. Talk to God about everything and fellowship with Him just as you would a friend.
The Bible says that God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). When you praise Him, God reveals Himself to you. He’s always present, but He manifests Himself when you praise. If you can embrace all these truths, it will change your life. God is near, and we can bask in the glory of His presence.
Application Questions:
1.A. What happens if you seek God? Why do you think this is so? How have you seen this in your own life? B. What happens if you forsake Him? Why do you think this is so? How have you seen this in your own life?
2.Do you know some people who like Moses show the glory of God in their speech and actions? What disciplines and attitudes helped shape their love for God? Which of those disciplines or attitudes do you most want or need to follow?
3.Self- Reflection: Are you intentional with your relationship with God? Do you seek God’s presence daily in your life? God wants to talk with us. Does your prayer life reflect that? Do you pray for others and show concern for their lives? How does this sermon message change the way you pray, think, speak or act?