Joey Francis Umerez
July 31, 2022
DOING IT RIGHT – Learning From Mistake Most Christian Make
“Doing It Right”. We will be talking about the common mistakes most Christians make- how we can avoid them, and what we can learn from them. While this message is about Christians, this sermon is also for those who are non-believers just yet.
What we will talk about will help you understand more of what Christianity is supposed to be like.
I have narrowed the focus to the five (5) most frequent common mistakes that I have seen. Let me share it to you in reverse order, like a countdown. As I present to you the list, you will see that these aren’t really huge mistakes. But we can learn a whole lot from them.
No. 5- Pretending that we are OK, when we are NOT.
A lot of Christians have this idea that Christianity is for perfect people. That concept of Christianity is so wrong because the basic prerequisite for membership in the body of Christ is admitting that you are not perfect, that you have messed up, and that you are a sinner!
We try so hard to put up a front to give other Christians an impression that everything is fine with us, when in reality, we are finding it hard to resist Satan and we are having difficulty overcoming temptations.
When we pretend with the very people who could have walked through the valley with us, we don’t get help when are supposed to get help from other Christians. In Galatians 6:2, he says: “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” In other words, he is saying “love one another as He loved us.”
No. 4. Not giving to God’s work because money is tight.
When we give nothing at all to God, when we give nothing at all of our resources to God’s work, we are robbing ourselves of the opportunity to see God at work in our lives, in an area where we desperately need God to work, and that is in our finances.
When we give to God’s work, He will work in our lives so that we will have what we need- and when we have what we need, then we can give and bless others.
2 Cor. 9:8 (NIV) Paul puts it this way, he says: “God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
In 2 Cor. 9:11 (NIV) he says: “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us, your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
Luke 6:38a: “Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.” Amen!
No. 3. Filling our mind with garbage…and believing that it has no effect.
In Provers 4:23 (NIV), Solomon wrote: “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
Solomon is therefore saying: be careful of the things that you allow to be established in your being because it is going to affect everything else about you.
That is why Paul writes in Philippians 4:8 (NIV): “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent and praiseworthy- think about such things.” Amen.
No. 2. Living an out-of-balance spiritual life.
Keys to living a balanced Christian life. For Christians to live a balanced spiritual life, a combination of the following three elements has to be present, they are:
- Solitude- is spending time alone with God in prayer, reading the scriptures, and personal devotion;
- Community- is connecting with other people who are also engaging with God.
- Ministry- is when you serve in ways that advance God’s kingdom in this world.
The author also notes that most Christians who engage in these practices tend to balance them differently according to their personality type. For example, extroverts are likely to spend less time in Solitude and more time in Community, while introverts do the opposite. And that’s OK. However, if we completely ignore one of the elements, there will be unpleasant consequences in our Christian life.
No. 1. is Being Nice instead of Speaking the truth in Love.
The Apostle Paul, in Ephesians 4:25-26a (NIV) puts it like this: “Put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body…In your anger, do not sin.”
In the short term, being nice does keep the peace. It minimizes the pain. But when we keep doing that to each other, over time, that pain and anger builds up until one day it will just explode. And the damage, almost always, becomes irreversible. If you are hurt or if you are offended by something or anyone, do not lie about what has hurt you. Go, and speak the truth in love, and see what God will do. Amen.
1) How did the message encourage you today?
2) The sermon mentions 5 mistakes that believers make in their Christian walk. What challenges you in your relationship with God and others?
3) Share an example of a difficult situation where you had to turn to God for help.