Timmy Benedict Lao Uy
September 25, 2022
When was the last time you hit rock bottom?
Rejection damages one’s self-worth or value. Losing someone or something you love most brings great pain. The worst-case scenario you dreaded the most happens. Often, it’s in the breaking and hurting times that we look for God. We seldom think of God when we’re partying. We rarely think of God when we’re enjoying the resort or hotel. We hardly think of God when we have lots of money and we’re enjoying success in life.
It is at the trying and painful period of our lives that we call on the name of God. But do you know that this is also the moment that God has been waiting for so that He can get your attention? How many of you here have come to know Jesus when you were in dire need? When you were at rock bottom?
We all have different stories to tell. Some encountered God at a very challenging time in their lives. Some surrendered their life to God when they were very young. Others met God when they were at the peak of their life. Our stories are unique. Transformation happens when we submit to God and decide to give our lives to Jesus. The Holy Spirit changes us to make us more like Jesus. This Metamorphosis is the change that we all undergo when we give our life to Jesus. Just like a butterfly, we transform from an unattractive, unappealing worm or caterpillar to a beautiful, amazing butterfly. This is the change from the inside out.
Romans 4:17 – “That is what the Scriptures mean when God told him, “I have made you the father of many nations.” This happened because Abraham believed in the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing.” (NLT)
In NIV, it says, “the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not.” Please highlight the word “NOT”. The context of Romans 4:17 talks about faith. This is the kind of faith that believes in spite of your miserable situation. This is the kind of faith that we need despite the truth when we cannot connect God’s promise with our present situation.
Now, think about the many moments of “NOT” believing in yourself when you feel like you are dead. Because you’re not the prettiest, not the smartest, not rich, not popular, not the chosen candidate or person. In short, the least liked. You’re not the one with the right words at the moment. You’re not the one with the most confidence. You’re not the person that people go to when they need rock-solid plans or ideas. In other words, you’re a NOBODY. The question is…
The God who created us and the world and everything in it is not confined to our limits. This means that no matter how low we sink or fall, or how low we think of ourselves, God is still capable. God is all-powerful, and He is still working to turn things around for our good.
There’s no rock bottom too low for God. There’s no such thing as too hopeless for God. Time after time, the Bible talks about transformation – fully changing the most hopeless and the most desperate situation into something wonderful, something too unbelievable for us to even think about. God transforms nothing much into something incredible, literally.
Do you think God can’t work miracles in your life? Do you think there is no hope for you? Here are clear pictures of what God can do: God designed and measured and created our world out of waters, darkness, and empty earth only by speaking. Everything came to be. Then, God made man out of dust or soil by breathing life into it. He also fills what is empty and provides money where there is none as what God did to the widow at Zarephath, who had nothing to provide for her son. Jesus turned water into wine. This was the first miracle Jesus did at the wedding in Cana. He brings the dead to life. Proof of that was when He brought back Lazarus to life.
God is in the business of doing new things. There is no spoiled or stale food for God. There are no crumbs for Him. When you feel like there is nothing much happening to you because you always fall short, you always fail, you can’t seem to change, God is telling you right now in Isaiah 43:18-19 – “18 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (NIV)
With all that being said, don’t give up! Don’t discount or discredit God’s ability or goodness. God will come through for you in ways you can’t imagine. And you’ll have a transformation story of your own to tell.
Transformation is a never-ending process. As long as you are living on earth, God expects all His children to continue to “grow in Christ” and become more like Him. The Bible tells us how to do this. Jesus said in John 8:31-32 – “31 “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. 32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (NLT)
We must remain in Christ’s Word. We must study it, reflect on it, speak it, and obey it. Christ’s Word is the eternal truth that sets people free from all ungodly things. It changes hearts and attitudes, and eventually our words and behavior.
Romans 12:2 instructs us, Romans 12:2 – “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (NLT)
In essence, God is saying, “Do not allow yourself to be molded or shaped by the ungodly influences in the world. Instead, be radically changed by the renewing of your mind to become like My Son Jesus Christ.”
How do we renew our minds? We must make the effort to internalize God’s Word, to plant it deeply in our hearts. And we must act on it and apply it to our life. Transformation is a cooperative effort: our willingness and obedience, plus God’s power. We are changed by the power of the Holy Spirit as we learn to live in obedience to the Word.
Are you willing to let God transform your life? If so, you will be greatly rewarded. You will enjoy a personal relationship with your Creator and will know His transforming love. You will discover and fulfill your God-given purpose and make a positive difference in the world. And when Jesus returns or your earthly life is over, you will be prepared to live with Him eternally in a beautiful place where there is no more sin, sorrow, or death – only love, joy, and peace.
Taking the step to give your heart to Christ and choosing to walk with God is more like making a commitment to PROGRESSION, not perfection. God is a perfect God, but that’s not a status we will ever achieve living in our human flesh. It’s a relief that we don’t have to try and be perfect. Our goal is to work on progressing toward the perfect creation that God created us to be, but IT’S A PROCESS. It’s the imperfections and the flaws we have that allow others the freedom to see that they too are welcome just as they are. That process of progressing is what we’re called to share with others, and that’s what has the power to overcome what the enemy is trying to instill in our minds that we will never change.
King David offers us this glorious hope: Psalm 34:5 – “Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.” (NLT)
Instead of being trapped in a cycle of doubt and despair, transformation happens if we turn our eyes from our problems and fix our eyes on our Savior. If we look at our circumstances we will despair, we will grow anxious, fearful, or angry. If we see the goodness and glory of God, we will be changed, from one degree of glory to another.
And one day, this transformation won’t be a mere collection of moments throughout our days. We will become like Jesus. When Jesus returns to make all things new, we will experience His goodness in full. We will taste and see that the Lord is good forever.
Let’s end the cycle of not attaining the perfection of God because we will never be perfect. Let’s end the cycle of thinking low of ourselves because God bought us for a price. He values you. He looks at you with tremendous potentials, like a diamond waiting for its brightness to shine.
Let’s end the cycle of making an excuse for not being able to beat our sins or the enemy because Jesus has given us the power to tread and trample on serpents and scorpions, and over the power of the enemies.
Remember, we are all a work in progress. My goal and your goal are to work on improving, to choose to walk with God every day, and to refuse to give up because God has not given up on us.
1) What challenges and setbacks you are facing in order to fully commit and allow God to change you?
2) Think back on your life and evaluate: Was there ever a time when you doubted God’s goodness and His plans for you? If yes, what were those?