Timmy Benedict Lao Uy
January 8, 2017
Change For The Better Part 1
I wonder how many of you here wanted to break bad habits whether it’s known by people around you or even bad habits that no one knew but you. Wouldn’t it be great to end this year and you’ll just see those bad habits on the rear view mirror?
We all want to change for the better. We all do. It’s innate in your heart. Why? God made you that way. God created us in His image so we’re naturally good. Believe it or not. Here’s the deal: If it’s true, why is it so hard to change for the better? Why do we want to change so badly and achieve it so hardly?
When it comes to changing for the better, we always experience guilt at the end of the year. There’s a voice that says, “I have to do this. I should do this.” I believe some of you here are tired of writing down your New Year’s Resolution because it’s tiresome to write them down and not do it.