Timmy Benedict Lao Uy
April 27, 2019
BREAK FREE – Part 2 – Stay Free
Sometimes people will ask you, “If you’re an animal, what will you be?” Some of you may say, “I want to be a lion, tiger, eagle, dog, cat or horse.” But ask somebody if he will desire to be a donkey. Have you thought about that? Why? Donkey is not a famous animal or pet. It’s a nobody. Which leads us to think: If God has a plan for a donkey, don’t you think He has a plan for your life? If God has a prophecy about a donkey, don’t you think He has a prophecy for you?
If Jesus is the Lord of your life, He will use you. However, if you are the lord of your life, you will use Him.
STUDY (Matthew 21:1-11 NIV)
“1 As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. 3 If anyone says anything to you, say that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.” 4 This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: 5 “Say to Daughter Zion, ‘See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’” 6 The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. 7 They brought the donkey and the colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on. 8 A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. 9 The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” 10 When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?” 11 The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.””
The donkey’s birth is significant to God because He planned to let Jesus ride on it. If God has a plan for a donkey, your EXISTENCE is not a COINCIDENCE. It’s part of God’s plan. You’re not an accident. God used your parents to bring you here but GOD is your REAL FATHER. God created you, He thought of you. He just happened to use your parents with their love story, or lack of love story, to bring you into this world. Here’s the reality:“You didn’t come FROM your parents. You came THROUGH your parents.”
Sometimes God uses perfect parents to bring you to existence. Sometimes God uses imperfect couples to bring you to existence. However, your existence is God’s idea even before your dad and mom learned to love one another. Your parents may not have intentions to have you but God intentionally created you. Your DESTINY is NOT DEPENDENT on what kind of parents you have. God has a great purpose for you. You may not be happy with the parents that you have right now. But they’re being used by God to whet your appetite for the real Father. God will not allow anyone to take His place. God’s love is the main meal. Your parents’/spouse’s love is just the appetizer.
When Jesus told the disciples to bring the donkey, the donkey was not in the temple worshipping the Almighty God. It was tied and bound. Jesus said to His disciples, “Untie them and bring them to me.” Believe it or not, the devil knows that God has great plans for His children. If the devil knows that you’re a child of God, he will try to chain you up. The devil will try to bind you with vices, pornography, bad attitude, pride, laziness, etc. He will try to remind you of your painful past so that you cannot move on.
But the good news is: Your chains from the devil are CONFIRMATION that God has great plans for you. Bear in mind, the devil will not waste his time on people that God will not use. If God has plans to USE you, the devil will try to STOP you. When God planned to use David, the devil sent the lion and the bear. When God planned to use Jesus, the devil tempted Him in the wilderness. Even before Moses was born, the devil was trying to kill babies. Remember, the devil may not be the smartest but he’s also not the dumbest. If you’re experiencing attacks now in any aspect of your life, the devil is trying to chain you to prevent you from reaching your God-given destiny. When the devil is binding you, he knows that you’ll be unstoppable once God gets hold of your life.
Jesus didn’t untie the donkey personally. He sent His disciples to get the donkey. Most of the time, God will send you men or women of God who will GET you and GUIDE you. Jesus sent His disciples to people who don’t know Him. Jesus sent His disciples to guide people and help them grow spiritually. When you are obedient to these people that God has sent to you, you will not only be set free but you will also fulfill God’s destiny for your life.
Notice that the donkey didn’t go where it wanted to go. The disciples didn’t just release the donkey and let it go to Jesus on its own. They led the donkey to Jesus. Imagine you being a donkey.
You spent your entire life so used to being tied on the pole. Suddenly, someone freed you. You tasted freedom for a moment. Then, you realize that you’re under control by two disciples who supposedly gave you freedom. When God sets you free, He doesn’t give you MINISTRY, He gives you MENTORS. Mentors often seem like controlling your life. But in reality, they’re just guiding you. When you grow mature in the Lord, you’ll realize that the MENTORS are not TORMENTORS.
God puts people around us when we’re young either in age or in faith. Please bear in mind, no matter how intelligent you are, no matter how many degrees you have in school, no matter how many experiences you have, no matter how much anointing you have, no matter how old school your parents or pastors are, whenever they give you curfew, whenever they’re giving your rules and regulations, they are not controlling you but they are protecting and shaping you. They are shaping your character and life.
Your parents and pastors are just like your umbrellas, they protect you from wrong decisions. When you are IN your parents’ house, OBEY. When you are OUT of your parents’ house, HONOR. “Obey is ACTION. Honor is ATTITUDE.” The only commandment of God in THE TEN COMMANDMENTS that has attached blessings to it is in relation to honoring our parents. Don’t look for your destiny. Obey and honor your parents and God’s destiny will find you.
The disciples brought the donkey to Jesus. And Jesus SAT on the donkey. Jesus didn’t walk beside the donkey like the disciples. Jesus didn’t walk behind it. Jesus didn’t walk in front of it. Jesus sat on the donkey. He became the Lord of the donkey. He controlled the donkey. He led it where He wanted to go. Notice: The donkey didn’t complain where Jesus was leading it. It went where Jesus led it. Let me give you the secret on how to be used and led by God. If you want to be used and led by God, forget that you’re being used and led by God, focus that Jesus is the Lord.
Application Questions:
1.Describe your relationship with God right now. Would you say that Jesus is the Lord IN ALL AREAS of your life?
2. Think about a time when obedience to God was momentarily not much fun; a time when you rebelled against God. Describe the situation. Who helped/guided you and brought you back to God during those troubled, defiant moments of your life?
3. Do you agree that your birth is part of God’s plan? Are you thankful for your parents? Describe your relationship with your parents. Would you say that God’s love is the main meal? And that your parents’ love is just the appetizer?