Timmy Benedict Lao Uy
July 19, 2017
Deeper Part 3
Anointing is important to believers of Jesus. Without anointing, you’re a singer with a talent. With anointing, you’re a worshiper that brings people to the throne of God. Without anointing, you have a title of a father or mother. With anointing, you’re a dad or mom that makes a difference in the life of your children. Without anointing, preachers just preach information. With anointing, preachers provide impartation, manifestation, revelation, and transformation. Anointing is not about the looks. Anointing is not about eloquence. Anointing is the power of God that moves people. Anointing is the overflow of Holy Spirit in a person. Anointing flows through you in every area of your life.